The choice of the symbols of our "Order of the Holy Spirit", too, is neither by chance nor arbitrary.
is the color of the firmament at the same time symbolizing life's elements air and water and the precious stones crystal and diamond. In the Christian iconography the blue traditionally is the mantle of God's Mother and Virgin Mary who is poetically spoken of as the "blue lily".
Jesus Christ, however, is often symbolized as a "white lily". The blue is traditionally the color of the garment in which Christ is shown as a teacher.
In the perfect form of the cross the number four is expressed. It reminds us of the four cardinal points of the creation, the four prophets of the Old Covenant lsaiha, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, the four evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as well as the great scholars of the Church Augustine, Ambrosius, Hieronymus and Gregor the Great.
As "the eighth day of creation" is regarded the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the beginning of a new era commemorated by the eight points of our Order's Cross. But they also stand for the eight beatitudes of the Sermon of the Mount.
The fleur-de-lys (lily) is an old symbol of purity and beauty and originally was the symbol of Mary. Since the year 1179 it has been the coat of arms of the kings of France. It is to commemorate that Franconian King Chlodvic (481 -511) is said to have been awarded a lily by an angel.
The dove, ever since a sign of gentleness and love, symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The Holy Scriptures report that at Jesus Christ's baptism in the River of Jordan the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove (Matthew 3, 16). And, finally, the dove was the bearer ofthe olive leaf proclairning to Noah the end of the Great Flood (Genesis 8,11).