Declaration of Europe
Declaration of Europe
(resolved by the General Convention in June, 2012)
Europe - that means a diversity of peoples as well as a common history of these peoples which they have shared for many centuries. After the Second World War, out of the consciousness of its historic commitment in view of millions of dead, Europe has faced up to its darkest epoch. Determinately and unerringly the Fathers of the European Idea since then have promoted a process which for more than 67 years has brought peace to our continent. With the Resolutions of the Roman Treaties of 1957, the Treaty of Maastricht of 1992 and the Treaty of Lisbon of 2007, milestones of a development were set up which are unique in the history of Europe. The fall of the Iron Curtain and the admittance of Eastern European states to community of shared values of our continent were and have been the consequent continuance of the idea of peace and liberty in Europe.
- Conscious of the European Union being the peace-making force of the 20th century in the past, present and future.
- Convinced that the avowal to plurality and diversity of our community of peoples is the basis for growth and employment.
- In the knowledge that it is our mission to support the process of Europe coming closer together initiated by the Fathers of the European Union.
We, the Dames and Knights of the Order Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit, stand as an international, Christian, and humanitarian Chivalrous Order in said tradition. We stand up for the fundamental values of freedom, justice, and solidarity amongst the peoples of Europe. In this context we speak out for:
- All the endeavours of politics to put the states of the European Union back to a sound economic basis.
- Strengthening the rights of the European Parliament as the legally and democratically elected Organ of the Constitution of the member states.
- The rights of the men and women of Europe to personal, vocational, and economic freedom within the borders of the European Union.
- Further development of European institutions step by step simultaneously adhering and stringently pursuing the principles of pluralism, solidarity and subsidiarity.
- The engagement of states of the States European Union with meaningful and peace-keeping missions by the military and development aid.
- Fending off all forces, which aim at disturbing a peaceful living together within the Community of the EU, be they threats by terrorist extremists of any kind, threats on the part of a political entity or religious movement.
translated by Thomas Eichler
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