On the Turn of the Year
Dear Dames, Knights, Friends of our Order,
I am sure that 2020 will remain in our memories forever. Who has ever thought of a small virus bringing the whole world out of joint? All areas of human life on earth have been affected by the Corona pandemic.
The economy has been slowed down or blocked as are the schools and the cultural realm. People meeting in many associations or institutions has been restricted or has become impossible. Personal communication can take place only sparsely.
Our annual main soiree planned in grand style fell prey to the pandemic. Everything had been planned in detail: welcome evening in the Augustine Monastery, service with the bishop in the cathedral, reception at the Thuringia State Chancellery and a big public ball in the historic Emperors Hall (Kaisersaal) .
Socializing in the Order has been restrained to small get-togethers this year.
For the first time for decades, the days of advent und Christmas as well as the turn of the years will be very quiet in Erfurt. No Christmas markets, no Christmas parties &c.
What will life be like in 2021?
We may be full of hope because vaccines have been developed against Corona worldwide. In the international relations, many things seem to be on the bright side.
In the Middle Ages, the time of Advent was a time of fasting and repentance (turning back). It was meant to prepare for the fest of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Perhaps we can make use of the Advent time 2020 to give some thoughts to what values are important in our lives. We also should consider what is valuable for our Order und what we can do without.
The message of the angels in the story of Christmas reads: “Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
I wish for all of us to personally experience this message.
A blessed Advent and Christmastime and a good start into the New Year!
OB Karl-Heinz Kindervater Erfurt in December 2020
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