Pentecostal Greetings
Dear Brothers and Sisters of our Order,
Honoured Friends of our Order,
Within a few days, Christians all over the world will celebrate Pentecost – the feast of the Holy Spirit.
Since the events in Jerusalem, the workings of the Holy Spirit, there has been the Church (churches)
for almost 2000 years worldwide, with all its differences, shortcomings and contradictions. But it has been alive and renews itself, ever since again and again.
For our Order, the Holy Sprit has been our name’s patron. Remembering its workings can be of benefit in our times.
The Corona pandemic has made it clear to us how important community is for us. Modern media can help to bridge distances but cannot replace personal contact.
A community like ours lives on personal exchanges.
With great pain we experienced renouncing to two General Conventions.
We are grateful for communicating in small groups.
Dear Members and Friends of our Order,
As it appears, we can look into the future with more confidence. Step by step, more contacts will be possible.
I would like to encourage all members of our Order to engage in get-togethers after the pandemic as soon as possible.
2000 years ago, a small group of fearful Jesus friends turned into a great world- spanning community within a few centuries. Thanks to the Holy Spirit. This we should be aware of at Pentecost 2021,too, as members of the Order of the Holy Spirit.
With confidence and joy we can celebrate Pentecost. My sincere wish to us all.
With fraternal greetings
Your Grand Master
Karl-Heniz Kindervater
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